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crypto & devops engineering

🏗️ Construction Site

This website is currently under construction. Most content is still missing. Please check back soonTM!

Project Showcase


Photo by Ian Battaglia (@ianjbattaglia) on Unsplash (
A simple observability tool built on top of
I use this tool to monitor my servers, bots & automations in real-time.


Photo by Kelly Sikkema (@kellysikkema) on Unsplash (
An optionally E2E encrypted wallet-to-wallet on-chain messenging protocol written in Rust.

Cosmos Chain Registry

Photo by Edrin Spahiu (@edrinspahiu) on Unsplash (
A little helper library to retrieve & search Cosmos blockchains from the official Cosmos Chain Registry GitHub repository. I maintain a daily cronjob that compiles & hosts an index.


Photo by Alexandr Popadin (@irrabagon) on Unsplash (
A schemaless abstraction library for MongoDB.


Photo by Markus Spiske (@markusspiske) on Unsplash (
A reusable, extensible & composable serialization library for TypeScript. Designed for JSON. Ideal for MongoDB & REST APIs, and whereever else JSON is used.


Photo by Toa Heftiba (@heftiba) on Unsplash (
A lightweight yet extremely flexible and convenient RESTful API layer for TypeScript.